
суббота, 30 марта 2013 г.

Summary VI. The Moonstone #4.

Mr. Franklin found out that it was he who stole the diamond. He met Rachel, who hated him for that and asked her about that night. With hope of redeeming himself he returned to Yorkshire to the scene of crime and was befriended by Mr. Candy's assistant, Mr. Ezra Jennings. They got to know that Franklin was secretly given laudanum during the night of the party that's why he took the diamond in a narcotic trance, in order to move it to a safe place. But how the stone ended up in a London bank remained a mystery solved only a year after the birthday party when the stone was redeemed. Franklin and his allies traced the claimant to a seedy waterside inn, only to discover that the Indians have got there first: he was dead and the stone was gone. The dead man was Godfrey Ablewhite, who embezzled the contents of a trust fund in his care and had been facing exposure soon after the birthday party. The mystery of what Blake did while in his drugged state was solved: he encountered Ablewhite in the passageway outside Rachel's room and gave the Moonstone to him to be put back in his father's bank, from which it had been withdrawn on the morning of the party to be given to Rachel. The mystery was solved, Rachel and Franklin got married the Moonstonewas restored to the place where it should be, in the forehead of the idol in India.

1 коммент.:

Unknown комментирует...


who HAd stolen

Try not to begin the sentences with BUT. Use HOWEVER instead!

the Indians HAD got

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